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Oyo (GSM WATCH) Promises - On Going


Seyi Makinde

Governor, Oyo State. Nigeria

2067 Days in Office

Upgrading of the rural feeder roads in all the 33 LGAs of the state - On Going
Institute the Save the Children and Action Against Hunger program with Local Government Ministries and Authorities - On Going
Appointment of women into government positions - On Going
Provision of timely credit to farmers at single digit interest rate - On Going
Establishment of agricultural crop processing centres - On Going
Establishment of livestock villages - On Going
By the end of the first year, some pilot community-based health insurance (CBHI) schemes would have commenced in at least four LGAs in each senatorial zone. By the second year, this will be scaled up to other LGAs - On Going
By the beginning of the second year, all workers under the employment of the Oyo State Government will also be enrolled into a state-oriented health insurance scheme in collaboration with NHIS - On Going
Increase access to Quality Education at Primary and Secondary Levels for all Eligible Oyo State Children by 10% - On Going
Planning to conduct census/data for the people living with disabilities (PWD) - On Going
Health insurance scheme for the elderly - On Going
Establishment of graduate youth employment scheme - On Going
Orphan and Vulnerable Children Education Support Program - On Going
Fruit processing plants [short term if linked with existing processors but medium to long term if new off-takers will be brought in - On Going
Purchase of Modern Equipment and Logistics For Security Agencies To Fight Crime - On Going
The bus terminal at Iwo Road, New Ife Road, Challenge and Ojoo will be commissioned in 2021 - On Going